Domestic and industrial automation

Protection of old, overloaded electrical installations.

Protection of old, overloaded electrical installations. Priority relay PR-615.

Priority relays are used when there is a minimum of two high-power receivers connected in the circuit, which can work independently, but their simultaneous operation may cause overcurrent protection.

Electrical practice guide No. 1

Download a file with tips in PDF format. In this issue we present:
1. Astronomical clocks
2. Resistance relay CR-810 - motor protection
3. Astronomical clock - night break function
4. Group bistable relay (hotel) - BIS-412
5. Priority (current) relays

Poradnik elektryka

Electrical practice guide No. 2

Download the file with the second electrician's advice number. Leaflet in PDF format and in it:
1. SCO lighting dimmers.
2. Time relay STAR-TRIANGLE.
3. Liquid level control relays

Poradnik elektryka praktyka

Electrical practice guide No. 3

Download a file with tips in PDF format. In the number 3 we present:
1. Roller shutter controllers STR.
2. Overvoltage protector.
3. Automatic phase switches.

Sterownik oświetlenia schodowego, oświetlenie klatek schodowych
Pilot zdalnego sterowania oświetleniem, roletami i bramami wjazdowymi