The universal SCO-802-LED lighting dimmer is designed to adjust the brightness of dimmable lighting sources1, in particular LED lighting, up to 150 W2.
1 The condition for the correct operation of the dimmer is the connection of dimmable light sources. Make sure that the light source is clearly visible on the packaging or in the instructions information about the possibility of brightness adjustment. It is often represented by one of the following two symbols:

Due to the large variety of dimmable LED lamp designs, it may, in rare cases, happen that the selected lamp does not work properly with the SCO-802 LED dimmer. Typical symptoms of such cases include: low adjustment range and flickering light. Accordingly, it is recommended to carry out tests before installing the dimmer.
2 Indicative value. The limit value of the power depends on the design and quality of the connected light sources and in fact may be significantly lower than the given value.
The lighting is switched on and off after a short press of the momentary button connected to the dimmer's control input 3. A long press of the button causes smooth4 brightening or dimming the light. Another long press of the button changes the direction of operation: brightening → dimming or dimming → brightening. After reaching the minimum or maximum value, keeping the button pressed no longer changes the brightness level. If the dimmer is set to the maximum value, the next long press will reduce the brightness level. If the dimmer is set to the minimum value, the next, long pressing of the button will increase the brightness. The brightness level set by pressing the button for a long time is stored in the dimmer's non-volatile memory. Turning on the light by briefly pressing the button restores the previously set brightness level.
3 If the brightness is set to a low level, at the moment of switching on, the effect of brightening the light may occur, which will then be lowered to the set values. This is to ensure that the LED lamps start correctly. The light turns on smoothly within 0.5 ÷ 1 second.
4 The transition time from switching off to full brightness with a long button press on the dimmer SCO-802 is approximately 10 seconds. Actual Characteristics brightening / dimming will depend on the design of the light sources. It may happen that this process is not smooth, e.g. in the initial control range it will take place there will be big changes in the brightness level and very little in the end.