Roller blind controller STR-1

Roller blind controller STR-1

STR-1, 5908312593300

Product description

The roller blind controller STR-1 is designed for controlling roller blinds (up and down movement) or other devices (for example, gates) that are driven by a single-phase AC electric motor and operated by means of momentary switches (for example, bell-pushes).
Blind controller. To under plaster box Ø60.

The controller can operate as an independent unit (designated for opening/closing one roller blind) as well as the controllers can be combined into groups that enable the central controlling of many roller blinds


Supplied the relay is to sigal by shine of green LED U. The roller blind motor is activated by the momentary switching of a current pulse (L or N) to one of the control inputs. The motor is activated at a time programmed previously by the user. The activation time programmed enables the complete lifting or lowering of the roller blind. Also, there is a possibility of stopping the rolled blind activated at a level selected by the user (non-complete opening or closing of the roller blind).

Control inputs of relay
Local control 
- a group of push-buttons that controls one roller blind which are connect to joint 5 and 6.
-upwards (opening); - downwards (closing).
Pressing the local control push-button activates the movement of the roller blind in a selected direction. If the roller blind is already moving, pressing the local control push-button will stop the roller blind.
Central control - a common group of push-buttons which are connect to joint 7 and 8 for many controllers (minimum two controllers) that controls all roller blinds included in the central control system
   - all upwards;     - all downwards.
Pressing the central control push-button activates the movement of the roller blinds in a selected direction. If one of the roller blinds is already moving in the same direction, its movement will be continued. If one of the roller blinds is moving in the opposite direction, this roller blind will be first stopped and then its movement will be activated in the direction in accordance with the command sent to the central input.

The central control enables only activating the movement of the roller blinds in a selected direction. The roller blind will be stopped after the programmed movement time or when any of the local control push-buttons is pressed.

Power supply voltage230 V AC
Engine type230 V AC
Central controltwo buttons
Local controltwo buttons
Control signalL lub N
Maximum current of the control pulse1 mA
Maximum AC-3 load current1,5 A
Switch-on time - programmable0s÷10 min
The executive elementrelay
Signal connection4×DY 1mm², l:10cm
Power connection4×DY 1,5mm², l:10cm
Power consumption1 W
Working temperature-25 ÷ 50 °C
DimensionsØ55 mm, h: 20 mm
Assemblyin a flush-mounted box Ø60
Ingress Protection MarkingIP20

Przyciski podświetlane
Z uwagi na niskie napiÄ™cie zasilania nie należy stosować przycisków podÅ›wietlanych.

Maksymalny prąd obciążenia
PrÄ…d styku podany w danych technicznych jest wartoÅ›ciÄ… maksymalnÄ… i może podlegać ograniczeniom – wiÄ™cej informacji. JeÅ›li z przedstawionych informacji wynika, że przekaźnik w urzÄ…dzeniu jest niewystarczajÄ…cy zaleca siÄ™ stosować zewnÄ™trzny element przeÅ‚Ä…czajÄ…cy (np. stycznik) przystosowany do przeÅ‚Ä…czania dużych prÄ…dów udarowych.

Pamięć stanu
Wersja przekaźnika z literÄ… "M" posiada pamięć pozycji styku, tzn. po zaÅ‚Ä…czeniu zasilania zostanie przywrócony stan przekaźnika jaki byÅ‚ w momencie wyÅ‚Ä…czenia zasilania.

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