Cascade controller. With the sequential function of the KASKADA.
Power supply 9÷30V DC.
The AS-225 staircase lighting timer is a controller dedicated to the construction of a multi-point cascade stair lighting control system, in which the effect of light moving along the stairs can be achieved.
The number of controlled light points is arbitrary and requires only a sufficient number of controllers to be connected with each other.
Short press of the DOWN button will turn on the lamp number 1. After the time T set on the first controller, the lamp number 2 will
start to light up gradually. After the actuation time t of the lamp ON number 1, it will start to slowly go out. The transition from lamp 2 to lamp 3, from lamp 3 to lamp 4 and so on will be carried out in the same way.
In case of a descending from the stairs (pressing the UP button), the sequence will be reversed - first the lamp number 5 will light
up, then number 4, and so on will light up first. If you press the button for a long time, the light will remain on while the button is pressed.
For light sources with a specific polarization (for example LED lamps) pay special attention to the correctness of the connection.